Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Varying Colors of Easter

I remember the days well. Preparation for Easter was a big deal in the Dean household. Everyone had new clothes, fresh haircuts, and the Saturday night bath was extra long (with Solid Gold, Love Boat, and Fantasy Island playing in the background). Even into the college years,  Chris and I always woke up to a large Easter basket full of goodies. After rummaging through the treats, the morning became hectic as we all worked hard to look our best for church as Dad preached several times to a packed house. Easter was an exciting time.

As the circle of life unfolded, I quickly found myself being "the preparer of Easter." I now had 2 kids in which I was buying new outfits, paying for haircuts, and scrubbing extra hard on the Saturday night before Easter. As parents, we usually found ourselves out late on Saturday night shopping for Easter basket items, stressing out over the perfect item that would bring a smile to Mallory and Drew's face. The excitement over the basket almost equaled Christmas morning! Attending church, coloring eggs, hunting eggs, eating large meals, and taking pictures with family consumed the day. Easter was an exhausting, but fulfilling time.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself getting up earlier on Easter morning so I could go help my Mom and Dad get ready for church. While they couldn't attend church on a regular basis, they always made an effort to attend on Christmas Eve and Easter. The hustle and bustle of Easter was still there, but required an extra step to pull it off.  Being together as a family at church was just what we did at Easter.

This year, the color of Easter will change yet again. We will be at Mom and Dad's watching FBC Knoxville on TV. Mom and Dad will sing the hymns from their respective chairs, taking notice of all the people they know in the congregation.

What may seem sad gives reason for joy. You see, Easter will meet us at the Dean house in the morning. The reason for celebration remains the same no matter the circumstances. Sometimes simplicity brings about the greatest satisfaction.

I think we can all agree that Easter eggs are beautiful. The vibrant, bright colors bring joy. It is hard to pick one as your favorite because each has its unique beauty. So is life. Easter has many colors, depending on our unique stories, circumstances, and stages in life. However, there is individual beauty in each one if we take the time to focus less on us and more on the significance of the Risen Savior.

My prayer is that each of us takes time in our own personal journey to stop in the morning and breathe in the beauty of the true meaning of Easter. No matter the color of your Easter this year, God will meet you and rejoice with you. It is up to us to decide that we will find joy in each season's color. Rejoice for Christ has risen! Happy Easter!

**This picture of the Baptist Rabbi a few years ago on Easter at FBC. Yes, I am still trying to get him to cut his hair and beard.... :)

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