Monday, September 5, 2016

It Is What It Is

Life is good. Or at least that is what the company-created character named Jake says. You can see this saying on a variety of T-shirts, coffee mugs, and signs. You often find this saying accompanied by a variety of entertaining pictures such as golf, fishing, camping, running, etc. In fact, people pay a hefty  price for the saying, "Life is Good" on these items.

But you know what? Life is not always good. In fact, there are times that we are left questioning, "Why?"

Mom and Dad find themselves basically homebound these days. They get out for doctor's appointments and quick trips to the grocery store with the help of their caregiver and myself. After work each day, I go to their house and walk into the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen each day, I see a variety of things that remind me of their current situation:

  • A feeding tube holder
  • A basket of first aid supplies for feeding tube maintenance
  • Syringes by the sink that have been sterilized and ready to use again
  • Pill crushers for Parkinson's meds to go through a feeding tube
  • Small containers for Mom that contain tea and other drinks that she is able to lift
  • A plastic tub of medi-honey and other supplies to help with Mom's injuries from falls
  • A walker
  • A cane
  • A stick to help pick up items on the floor
  • And the list can go on and on.....

For a long time, it was painful for me to see these items each day, for it was a brutal reminder of our current reality. "Why?' I would often ask. Two of the most Godly people who have dedicated their life to goodness. Why?

Pam is their daily caregiver who has been such a blessing to us. She provides excellent care to each of them during the day until I get off work. A few months ago, she arrived with a sign. Not the popular "Life is Good" brand, but a more realistic one. The sign said,

"It Is What It Is"

5 powerful words. These words spoke the truth of our situation. There are times in which we have control over the outcomes of situations, and at other times, we don't. There are times that life just plays out - for the good and for the bad. It is what it is. 

But we are not left helpless. We can determine how we choose to respond to the current situation. Do we let it define us, or do we make the best of it? We can spend our time resenting the reality or we can choose to use if for the good. We can drown in our sorrows or we can "put our big pants on" and trust that God will use our current situation if we allow him to do so.

How do we try to respond at the Baptist Rabbi's house? Some days are easier than others. But we make an effort to see our glass as half full. 
  • Providing care for them has given me a chance to spend quality time with them that I otherwise would not have given. I have the honor of continuing to learn from them each day.
  • We have gained an additional family member, Pam. Not only is she a caregiver, but she has become a close friend to us all.
  • Being homebound, Dad has decided to take control over things he is able. It turns out that it is the length of his hair!! He is currently working on a goal of growing his hair for Locks of Love. 
  • Dad still is very cognitively aware. Being at home has enabled him to enjoy the conversation and company of many of his close friends who come by to visit. He has been given the opportunity to express how much he loves those around him. If you haven't come to visit, please do so. He would love to see you! 
This stage of life is not what any of us would have chosen for the Baptist Rabbi and his wife. However, "It Is What It Is." Who knows what is in store for each of us, as we live in a world of free will. However, it is up to us if we choose to focus on the negative and what could have been or if we embrace that "Life is Good." Even in the midst of struggle and pain, God can make good of it and turn it into a "lock of love."

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