Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bye, Son.....

Son. The Baptist Rabbit has several names. People in Greenville, TN know him by "Dale." People in Clinton know him by "Sam." I know him as "Dad." His grandkids know him by "Popman." At times, Mom has her own few choice words for him, but I'll spare you of those details! :) But one of the most precious names is what his Mom, Bonnie Dean, called him, which was "Son."

The Baptist Rabbi has always been a "Mama's boy." He cannot speak of his Mother without tears bellowing in his eyes. She was a caring woman who worked hard. She loved her children unconditionally. After receiving the news that she had breast cancer, she went back to work at the factory specifically so my Dad could take advantage of the scholarships that they had to offer. She fought through the struggles of losing some of the use of one of her arms without a moment of complaining. She was filled with love for Jesus, and would willingly sacrifice for her family with nothing but a sweet smile on her face.

Every Easter, I am reminded of when she went to embrace heaven. Dad had just finished a Maundy Thursday Service at First Baptist Church in Clinton. While greeting people at the door, he received word that Bonnie Dean, my Mamaw, had a stroke and was not in good shape at a hospital in Greeneville. Frantically, Dad left the church to get to her as soon as possible. He was told by my Aunt Sharon that she was not likely to make it. For those of you who know my father, he is a rule follower. However, this is one time that his speedometer would have made any police officer do an immediate U-turn to restore peace to the community. As he was driving down the highway, around 8:00 p.m., he heard the clear voice of his mother saying, "Bye Son..." He immediately was overwhelmed with a sense of calmness and peace that, to this day, he has a very hard time describing. He knew she had just met Jesus. He slowed down his car and took his time making his way to her hospital bed.

As he entered the hospital, he was met by family members who informed Dad that Mamaw had passed. When Dad asked the time, not surprisingly, it was the exact time that he heard that voice in the car sweetly say, "Bye Son...". Coincidence? I think not.

Bonnie Dean was buried on Easter Sunday. I can't think of a better day to celebrate the life of such a special woman. Even though I was still in elementary school when this happened, I remember being sad that she was no longer with us, but happy that she was celebrating in heaven. I can't think of a better day than Easter to celebrate her entry into heaven.

As we enter the special day of Easter, let us remember:

  • This is a time of celebration. Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected. Because of this, grace covers us. Everyday is a new Easter where our slate is wiped clean.
  • God is alive and well. He still speaks to us if we can only sit still and listen to his Word. 
  • In the midst of ultimate sadness, God is there - providing a sense of peace and calmness that only He can provide and sustain. 
  • Life is hard, but we have an eternity of celebration and peace in which to look forward. 
As for me, I look forward to the day when I can embrace Bonnie Dean, as well as all the other loved ones who have gone before me. So many have played such an important part of who I am today. Because of Easter, may we all celebrate the fact that the words, "Bye, Son" are temporary, and we will once again be united with our loved ones for an eternity because of the grace that the cross provides to each of us.

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