Sunday, December 29, 2019

A New Beginning: Life Without 422 MP

2019 is wrapping up. It certainly won't go down in history as one of my more favorite years. There have been many losses, sorrows, and regrets. The new year always brings a certain kind of excitement as if you get to start over. Start fresh. Embrace the blessings of the past and attempt to let go of the painful experiences.

Nothing stays the same for long, does it? Seasons of life change in an instant. The Baptist Rabbi always taught me that we cannot sit idle. We must continue to move. We must be willing to reinvent ourselves, keeping our purpose as a focus. We walk into 2020 not knowing how our slate will be written. Some things will be in our control, but some will not. There is one thing for sure. Life will throw us some curveballs, and we must be ready for it. None of our lives will be the same this time next year. Free will is going to play a part in our next 365 days.

Chris and I made the incredibly big decision to sell Mom and Dad's house. As we discussed this big step, Dad's words spoke loud and clear to me, "Don't live in the past. Take the past and make a way for your future. Go boldly without fear, for God is with you." Dad always told us that his story was not our story. God has a unique path for us all and we must listen intently to God to blaze the trail intended for us.

422 Mariner Point has many memories. It is not the home in which I grew up. However, it is the home in which I spent many hours - some wonderful and some painful. Mom and Dad are no longer there. I have struggled with the feeling that I am letting go of them if I let go of the house. However, their journey is not mine. Their physical house is not my home. They live inside my heart and soul where they continue to impact my life daily.

I went there this weekend to mentally say goodbye. I spent some time on the dock reflecting on all I have learned about life sitting with Dad there. I looked back at the house and saw the decaying items in the backyard that once were such an important part of my life....

The concrete picnic table.......where we celebrated my college graduation.
The bench.......where we took pictures of my children every Easter.
The gazebo......that Dad and I built when I was pregnant with Drew.
The roses.....that I worked diligently to keep alive so they could enjoy from the sunroom.
The bird feeders.....that we filled each day to ensure they had entertainment from the birds, squirrels, rabbits, ducks, and chipmunks.

In looking at them, they were all worn out. The concrete has chipped. The gazebo needs painting. The roses have died for winter. The bird feeders are mildewed and weathered. They have all served their purpose and been meaningful in making my memories. But it is all worn. Tired. Time to be renovated or replaced. Such is life. There is a time and season for everything. We must embrace the current season, but not continue to live there when life must go on. We must surrender to the reality that it is time for something different to happen there. It is time for something different to happen in my life now that my "caregiving season" has come to an end.

2020 will bring great things for 422 Mariner Point. A new family will move in and will be ready to make it their own. New memories will be made and laughter will abide. 422 Mariner Point will still remain in my heart and soul.....always. I trust that God has many blessings in store for all of us this upcoming year. I am following my Dad's advice to keep moving. Keep looking forward while honoring the past. I can't lie. It is not easy. In fact, it hurts like hell. But Dad always said life is not easy. God never promised it would be. As we walk into 2020, I will continue to choose joy. Why don't you join me?