Monday, December 31, 2018

Walking Into the Unknown

It's New Year's Eve. A Today Show poll said that approximately 85% of people will actually bring in the new year in PJs asleep. I will more than likely be among that group. The news media is so predictable this time of year - recap of last year, New Year's Eve/Day food dishes, exercises to lose weight, and resolution ideas. At this point in the year, I am celebrated out. I am ready to return to my normal schedule and settle into some form of routine.

However, the transition to the new year does cause me to pause and reflect. This past year has brought ups and downs for all of us - some of which we could control and some of it that was beyond our intervention. There are things in which I am proud and things I wish I could hit the rewind button and try again. As much as I would like to set some profound resolution, my reflection will more than likely be similar next year. After all, we are human and fortunate to be blessed by God's grace and mercy.

Tomorrow morning, we walk into the unknown. A new year. A new set of life experiences that will shape our individuality and life journey. All of us will experience events that both lift us up and tear us down. It is what we do with these experiences that will define the impact we have on this thing called life.

As you know, the Baptist Rabbi and his wife have had their fair share of struggles over the past years. The one word phrase that defines my sweet Daddy the best would be "genuine and kind." Two simple, yet profound words. Not easy to achieve - especially when life is unpredictable, unfair, and controversial.

A new chapter begins for all of us in a few hours. God's mercy and grace will follow us into the unknown. While new beginnings can be both exciting and scary, I find great peace that I am not alone regardless of the free will that will unfold this year. Imagine the impact we could have if we all embrace the phrase "genuine and kind" as we maneuver 2019. Regardless of what this new year holds for us, may we always remember the love and grace of Jesus and show that same kind of love to others around us.

2019 - GENUINE and KIND