Saturday, June 16, 2018

Daddies and Daughters

There are certain things in life in which we have no control. We don’t get to choose our parents. We don’t have much input on the surroundings in which we grow up. We can’t control the actions of our parents, nor their parenting style. However, all of the above have a huge influence on the trajectory of a child’s life.

The Father’s role is such an essential component in a girl’s life. There is just something special between a father and a daughter. I remember growing up, craving the attention of the Baptist Rabbi, watching his thinking and actions, working hard to meet his expectations, and looking toward him for acceptance and guidance. I didn’t get to choose the fact that he met every expectation of a father. I was just blessed that I was afforded the opportunity to be influenced by a positive, close relationship with such a quality man. Our relationship has truly been a key factor in the person that I am today.

Over the past 21 years, I have been a witness to a similar experience. I have watched my husband, Scott, reciprocate the same relationship with our daughter, Mallory. There is just something special between them. Growing up, I witnessed her watching his actions as he set expectations and parameters, helping her define self-concept and values. Her eyes still light up when she sees him. She still runs to him when she enters the door. I find such joy and peace that she was afforded a similar father/daughter experience that I was given. It will serve her well through life. A healthy circle of life is strongly dependent on the father/daughter relationship.

In December, I will watch Scott walk Mallory down the aisle as she marries her high school sweetheart, Andrew. She has always said she wanted to marry someone just like her father. She has grown up watching Popman Sam, Pappy Ken, and Daddy Scott be role models for how a girl should be treated and the components to a healthy marriage. It has been such a blessing for her to have these positive male role models to help her grow up in a healthy environment. 

Fathers have an awesome responsibility which should not be taken lightly. Fathers have great influence over their children, which often requires sacrifice and dedication. Daughters look to their fathers to determine their own capabilities and expectations on how they should be viewed and treated. On this Father’s Day, may we celebrate the fathers who have taken this role seriously, realized the lasting impact that they have over their children, and have modeled ethical, positive interactions with their children and others. 

Happy, Father’s Day!!! God bless!